Do you have problems with pet hair? Many pet owners find they have this problem. The FURminator deShedding tool is a unique product that grabs and eliminates that loose undercoat while still leaving your pet enough hair to stay warm. FURminator has a complete line of products to help alleviate that pesky hair for pet owners. Including treats, shampoos, and one of a kind deShedding tools. Many groomers do whole FURminator treatments, and The Mommies highly recommend this product for any pet owner!
This is Abby Jean enjoying her FURminator treats.
Kristin's thoughts on FURminator
Amanda's thoughts on FURminator
Would you like to win a FURminator of your own? Here's what you do: Visit their site and tell us why you and your family need a FURminator of your very own. Enter before Thursday, April 17th. Good luck!
**Please remember: Your comment will be deleted, if you do not follow our contest rules, and your prize will be forfeited, if you enter more than once!
Would you like to win a FURminator of your own? Here's what you do: Visit their site and tell us why you and your family need a FURminator of your very own. Enter before Thursday, April 17th. Good luck!
**Please remember: Your comment will be deleted, if you do not follow our contest rules, and your prize will be forfeited, if you enter more than once!
This giveaway is now closed!
Boy, could my cat ever use this! Have you ever gotten up in the middle of the night and stepped on hairballs in your bare feet? Yuck!
When we adopted our dog... I planned to bring home a small, hypoallergenic, female... but instead I ended up with a big hairy boy. He's beautiful with the softest fur in the world, but it's all over the floor and furniture... which is a real problem when you've got a little one who puts everything in his mouth. Thanks for a great giveaway.
I have FIVE dogs. Three of which are English Mastiffs. They shed like a man going bald. Everywhere. We look like we are wearing fur jackets half the time. It's ridiculous!
It is currently impossible for my kids to leave the house without being defurred. The dogs' fur gets everywhere on them, please help!
I have a pomeranian and a cat. Both could really use this tool, especiall the pom. It is so hard to get to the undercoat with a traditional brush.
I have a Japanese chin, a basset hound and 2 cats. I'm taking 18 hours at college, have a parttime job, 3 kids at home & my husband works on the road. The pet hair is overwhelming. Boy could I use this.
I am owned by one big ol' dorky Basset Hound, 3 spoiled rotten cats (1 longhair and 2 medium hair), and an evil bunny named Lola! Believe me, the fur is flying in this house and I would LOVE to be able to cut down on the amount of flying fur!!!
I could use this so badly. Our dog is slowly creating his own rug for us, a dog fur rug. Thank you so much!
I would love to try this on my big fluffy cats.
my german shorthair needs it
I can't even pet my cat without watching a rainbow trail of fur fly through the air.
Oh boy, what a gift from God this would be...LOL. I have 2 long haired bunnies, a long haired dog, and 2 cats! Whew, this would be heavenly!
I've been wanting one of these! We have 4 furry small dogs.
I have a beautiful golden Cocker Spaniel named Samuel, so this would be a great item to have in between his regular groomings. Thanks for sharing!!
My dogs have a lot of fur.
I have 3 dogs! This would be great!
Our dog leaves her hair clumps all over the matter how much we bath and brush. Thanks for the giveaway!!
We have three dogs and a cat. Everything we own is furry. I wouldlove to find something that really gets all that excess fur off our animals.
we have two black Labs, who are always shedding hair and I don't like that in my kitchen. I would love to try this!
tiramisu392 (at)
Our 3 pugs shed like crazy all over our house and clothes. The FURminator tool would be so helpful. Thanks for the giveaway!
We don't own a dog or cat, but I had to throw in my two-cents worth. I think this is fantastic! My husband and I plan to own a dog when we can settle down after he is out of law school. Right now the place we rent doesn't allow pets. And my husband wants a husky so badly. I have kept saying the shedding issue would really turn me off from a husky. I'm literally buying one of these tools now to put in storage for furture use. 3 years isn't too long to wait. Thank you for showing this product. I think it's fantastic! And now I won't say no to a husky. My hubby will be so pleased!
Greetings! We have always had cats and dogs in our home. I take extra care of things because of our pets! I have not heard about this product before. Please enter me in your wonderful drawing. I appreciate it! Thanks,Cindi
I SO need a Furminator. My dog has a coat similar to the dog in the video on the site, and I also have a cat with a very thick top coat that is hard to comb through. I'd really love to win this!
This is so great. I just looked at these at my local pet store because I was diagnosed with allergies recently and own a long haired cat who sheds alot! The purrrr..fet solution to help out with allergy reduction!
My cat sheds in clumps. There is always tufts of black fur everywhere.
2 long hair cats. Just went through an emotional three days of worry and paid a vet bill beyond belief to find out youngest kitty was very ill with fur balls! Almost worst yet, I brush her every day. Apparently the old steel pet comb is not getting it done.
because we have 4 dogs :0)
I have two Alaskan Malamutes and I also work with Spirit of St. Louis Samoyed Rescue. Working with dog with coats like this I could really use a furminator.
Thank you for the giveaway.
Let's just say I have a very furry, long-haired white cat, which definitely doesn't mix with dark furniture!!
I have 4 cats and summer is here.
i'm definitely tired of using a lint brush everyday!
these seems great!
As a volunteer for the Basset Rescue, I always have a minimum of 4 Bassets in my home. Surprisingly, despite their short coats, Bassets are very "heavy shedders." Recently at a dog show, I used a friends Furminator and was amazed by the amount of hair that was taken off after bathing and brushing! My home is full of hair, my furniture and my lungs! Please pick me!
We have 3 dogs, 5 cats and 2 rabbits and there is always lots of hair!
We have a big german shepard. We are constantly sweeping the tile floor to get rid of all his hair. We could really use this.
we could use this because the place is covered with dog hair
I have an 83 lb black lab and a russian blue (grey) cat. There is always fur everywhere. it clings to the edges of the floor, it cligns to the tub, toilet, sink, walls, me, and I'm sure I've even a few pieces of fur. No matter how often you vacuum the place, the pets, and wipe down everything, there's more fur. It's really bad beneath the computers. The fans suck it under the desk. eek! Yes, I really need this thing. :)
with 3 long haired shedding dogs in the house this is sooo needed
wow my dogs would love me forever(and you) If this could be used on them, I have shelties and they have to be brushed quite often, but if you brush them to much they don't keep enough hair to keep warm, this would be perfect. Thanks for the chance to win!!!
my daughter needs this for her dog.
we seriously need this, Ziggy's hair gets on everything! i look like sasquatch if i wear anything made of velvet! hahaha!
Oh my gosh with 2 cats this would be GREAT!
this would be so great! because my dogs hair gets on everything, and my friends are always picking his hair off my clothes.
You would have to pry mine from my cold dead hands.
Can't seem to stay ahead of our dog's
shedding, we have a black hair dog and a white carpet in the bedroom, enough said. This tool is exactly what we need. Thanks
My cat has marked his territory all over the place with his fur! I feel like it doesn't matter how much I brush him, there is ALWAYS more.
hockiemack at hotmail dot com
our german shepherd keeps the vacuum full of her hair - this might alleviate that
All dogs shed including mine.
We have 2 Himalayan cats in the house that shed enough to make several small cats. I'd like to try one of those out.
I blogged about your giveaway on A Contest Blog.
Good luck.
Ok, if I could ever NEED something, it's this! I have a big ole lab mix who sheds like CRAZY!! We sweep up a small dog every single day...I don't know how he isn't bald. My family needs this because we also have a ten week old son...I don't want to put him on the floor much because of the hair, but he has to learn to crawl sometime! Thanks!
bucbratt at hotmail dot com
With three long haired cats, we could really use these. I've looked into buying the Furminator products, but they are pricey and I hate to buy them without trying first. It would be nice to be able to try them, tehn if they really work I would happily buy them!
Wow - we could really use a Furminator. We have two rescue cats and they are serious shed-meisters! I'm constantly de-furring the furniture and my clothes. I can't believe they can shed so much hair! Plus, the hairballs - usually deposited in the hallway or somewhere else we are sure to step on in the dark - yuck! We definitely need one of these!
because my parents have been so kind to take my little pup in for a few months... and she is shedding. my parents are saints for sure. some furminating sure would ease the transition for them.
I need a cat deFurminator. Cat hair everywhere. You can't always see it, but I know it's there! I vacuum and mop all the time because I'm afraid the cat hair will end up in our food. I currently comb our cat with a comb, which works OK but I'd love the cat de-furminator!
My wife would love this because sbe's tired of finding grey fur all over her clothes and our bed.
Two big dogs that leave tumbleweed hair balls all over my house..I can't keep up with the shedding.
We could really use one of the small tools. We have 3 cats who shed all over and it's driving me nuts! I hate having cat hair all over my clothes and house.
with 2 dogs who live like humans,,,,and an old old OLD house,,,anything helps.
We have a big shedding dog and four cats that shed even more! I could sure use this!
I have a large cat with jet black hair who is shedding his winter coat... all over the house!
taradawnrobertson at hotmail dot com
I could definitely use this with my cats. My allergies are bad, but I won't give up my cats, yet the fur does get to me at times.
This looks like an awesome tool.
With 3 cats, 1 dog and a shedding guinie pig my grandson and his mom really really need the Furminater ASAP!! :))
Thank for the chance to win one for them
Neat! I've never seen such a thing! I have a golden retriever and 4 housecats so I could really use this!!
I have always wantd a Furminator! I have nine large hairy rescue dogs that were going to be put to sleep. I also have three kitties we rescued. My husband and I also foster dogs for local rescue organizations. My dogs and cats would love this as they shed like mad! :) I use a shop vac in their room to get all of the hair up.
Thank you!
I have always wantd a Furminator! I have nine large hairy rescue dogs that were going to be put to sleep. I also have three kitties we rescued. My husband and I also foster dogs for local rescue organizations. My dogs and cats would love this as they shed like mad! :) I use a shop vac in their room to get all of the hair up.
Thank you!
I have always wantd a Furminator! I have nine large hairy rescue dogs that were going to be put to sleep. I also have three kitties we rescued. My husband and I also foster dogs for local rescue organizations. My dogs and cats would love this as they shed like mad! :) I use a shop vac in their room to get all of the hair up.
Thank you!
I truly need the Furminator! I am owned by 9 cats and a 175 pound dog. All of which shed! And they all are indoor pets! To top it off- I live off of Claritin, because I am ALLERGIC to my beasties! But, the pets were here before the allergies, so...I'm stuck with a constant runny nose, itchy watery eyes and sore throat! The things we do for love..
Do I EVER need to find that product! Wow! This would save me so much frustration over the shedding of fur from my black lab Dixie. Thanks for letting me know it even existed :)
I would LOVE to win this - my cat, Ani, is a shedder and she seems to get a lot of hairballs. If this works as well as it says it does - it's worth it!
Having 2 dogs & 2 cats, and various foster pets...I really could use one of these. As a matter of fact, someone was just telling me about this earlier this weekend!
I could really use this. I have 3German Shepards and a cat. My dogs are huge and start shedding their winter coats about this time of the year. I could make 3 more dogs with the amount of fur that needs brushing off of them!!!
2 cats and a dog, and a baby on the way- definitely could use!!
I would love to win this.
If you had a look at my blog post
you would see just how much fur we brush out of just one of our dogs, can you even imagine how much falls out and has to be swept up and how many of us need to be de-furred everyday.
We have two pugs and even though they are small they sure do shed alot, the change of seasons are the worse, this looks like a fantastic product.
I have a Mini Aussie and She sheds A LOT i vaccum 3 times a day.
We have 3 dogs and a cat. One of our pets is always shedding it seems like - we love them dearly but sure have a hard time dealing with all the hair.
Sometimes it looks like I'm wearing a cat on my pants...
we have 7 giant german shepherds...enough said
Wow- We could absolutely use this great prize. We have a dog and three cats and I just cannot keep up with the hair.
Wow do I need this product. I love that they sell more than just brushes to help pet owners. I have 3 dogs and it is a daily chore to keep my house rid of hair everyday. This time of year is the worse for dog hair because they are all shedding at the same time. My vacuum is constantly running, my pets and I need this product.
pet hair everywhere! My dog sheds every day of the year since we don't have seasons here in Florida. Yuk. Need this desperately!
This would be wonderful! My dog needs this so bad! The worst is when I open the dryer door and see it covered in hair.
We just got a new dog, and my goodness does he shed. My poor two year old still sucks his thumb and now every time he puts it in, he starts going, "yuck hair!" So maybe I don't need it, because it could be a good way to wean him from sucking his thumb, but my couches and carpet say I do!
We just got a new dog, and my goodness does he shed. My poor two year old still sucks his thumb and now every time he puts it in, he starts going, "yuck hair!" So maybe I don't need it, because it could be a good way to wean him from sucking his thumb, but my couches and carpet say I do!
My husband and I are owned by seven cats, indoor-only, three with long fluffy fur. We would all appreciate the FURminator.
Have 3 dogs that spend most of their time indoors plus I petsit my sister and inlaws dogs when they work or travel so I really can use this!
I have 3 indoor cats one who especially could use this. Sounds like a great product.
The dog in the video is like our dog, Molly. I swear you could knit a sweater with all the hair that comes off of her. We need this bad!
I have seven dogs... need I say more?
I blogged your contest on prizeatron!
With a dog and four cats we could really use this!
needed because I bought a shed ender and it's a challenge for me to use because I've had several back surgeries. burnnnfla at hotmail
We have dogs and our chocolate lab is shedding right now.
I could use this for my American Bulldog Lonna, she just keeps shedding so she itches and ends up biting herself to stop the itch, which has been causing her to get large red spots. Wish the vet wouldve told us about this! It's a shame too because she's such a pretty dog!
It's that time of year again, my cat is shedding everywhere. I wear a lot of black and I always have cat hairs showing. I would love to use this to get rid of the mess.
We have a large orange tabby and a large black husky/lab mix...shedding everywhere
How I would love to try these products! We have a large chocolate Labrador, and a Pomeranian-Sheltie mix. Both have a very thick undercoat and I feel like I'm constantly finding dog hair everywhere. And constantly vacuuming :( Thanks for the chance to win!
I've always wanted to try this. Our cat is super furry & the hair is awful. Both my girls are also allergic, so this might help them out some!
With two dogs and one cat the furminator would be a necessity for our household.
We have a Siberian Husky that blows her coat twice a year. This would be wonderful! With a majority of the house having tile floor, you can imagine the fur balls that seem to just drift around like little ghosts. Thank you!
Would love to win this - thanks!!! Our family often has more hair then our pets!!!
We have two large dogs and three cats. We need the FURminator because we are DROWNING in pet fur over here!
I need a cat deFurminator and a dog deFurminator... i have pet hair all over everything.. no matter how many times i brush them with normal pet brushes there is still tons of hair everywhere... i really need this great product for my family... thank u...
I'm tired of wearing my dog's fur all over my nice black work pants.
My dogs anda cats shed so much! I´m in SOOOO much need of the Furminator it´s not even funny.
my chow chow is almost bald ;)
I am recovering from my second back surgery and have to sweep my foyer and kitchen because my beagle/golden retriever sheds so much! I could really use this and so could my back!
When a rescued a cat I planned to have a short haired easy to care for cat. Instead I was adopted by a long haired fur ball that leaves mountains of fur behind daily. I love her but I'd really like to eliminate the fur jacket I seem to be wearing constantly.
I am forever in a losing battle with dog hair. This sounds like a great product!
I could use this so badlyfor my cat Blackie.
I really could use this as my wardrobe is entirely black and my little white puppy sheds like mad!
Why would I like to win these treats for my dogs? Because Australian Cattle Dogs shed... a lot. And, they love treats!
I have 1 cat and 4 granddogs.
We got a black lab from the shelter. He is a great dog, but now I find black hair everywhere. I really need this.
This sounds perfect; we have a rough collie and balls of hair never leave our sight, cloths, shoes, rugs. I hope it works. If so it is simply a miracle. Many Thanks!!! SW!!! BEst of luck to all who enter the contest.
This would be so great for the four feral(wild cats) cats we have. They are shedding so badly, plus this would be great for the new ones we tame and give to people
I never knew German Shepherds shed so much until I got married and gained a big hairy dog too.I have giant fur bunnies all over my floors and furniture and have to vacuum almost every day.I need this bad!
When I brush my dog I can almost fill a kitchen trash can with the hair.We have huge balls of fur all over the house.This would be a great help if it really works.
My backyard is covered in dog hair. If this reduces shedding 90% I need it.
I need a FURminator because my cat's shed hair is driving my parents crazy!
With all the cats I have this would be a life savor and save some embrassment.
thank you
My parents desperately need this for their husky/collie mix! She's a big furry girl and they'd love this product. Then, my mom wouldn't have to swifter her floors five times a day. :)
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