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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Goodies for Mom Earth Day Celebration

In honor of Earth Day, which is less than a month away, Goodies for Mom is starting our hunt for eco-friendly family products. Moreover, who better to help us than the families using them? They are compiling a list of your favorite environmental friendly products to share during our Earth Day Celebration starting on April 16, 2008 and running through April 22, 2008. Our goal is to help bring “green” to everyday people.

The event will feature articles on how to live a more eco-conscious lifestyle, easy tips for being more earth friendly that anyone can do, green product highlights and reviews, tips of the day, guest bloggers (even hoping to have a few celebrity guests), and we are working on getting some eco-conscious giveaways. It will culminate with the announcement of the “Goodies for Mom Green Product of the Year,” which will be voted on by the readers of Goodies for Mom.

Learn how you can submit your favorite product or your company’s product (free of charge), and how you can join the event at:

1 comment:

Goodies for Mom said...

Thanks for the mention :)
