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Friday, December 26, 2008

Beethoven's Big Break DVD & Giveaway

Do you remember the classic movie Beethoven? He is every one's favorite dog! Well he is back with an all new movie! Beethoven's Big Break.

Although animal handler Eddie (Silverman) works with lots of creatures, he has a strict NO PETS ALLOWED policy and won’t let his son Billy keep adorable stray dog Beethoven and his family of puppies. But when dog-nappers steal the canine star of the movie Eddie’s working on, the studio big shots must quickly find a replacement and unexpectedly cast the lumbering canine as their next big star. Through his rambunctious antics and larger-than-life personality, Beethoven not only crashes into Hollywood but into Eddie’s heart as well.

Bring together one mega-popular pooch, an all-star cast, some of today’s hottest music and a barrel of bouncing baby St. Bernards, and it all adds up to Beethoven’s Big Break! The all-new adventure comes exclusively to DVD on December 26, 2008 from Universal Studios Home Entertainment. This full-length comedy stars Moises Arias (Rico on “Hannah Montana”), Jonathan Silverman (“The Single Guy”), Daytime Emmy ® winner Jennifer Finnigan (“The Bold and the Beautiful”), Rhea Perlman (“Cheers”), Joey Fatone (“Dancing with the Stars,” ‘N Sync), Stephen Tobolowsky (“Heroes”), Oscar Nunez (“The Office”), Eddie Griffin (Undercover Brother) and Cesar Millan (“The Dog Whisperer”) in his feature film debut—and introduces Pete The Lizard! A fresh and funny re-imagination of the hugely popular franchise, Beethoven’s Big Break is jam-packed with more action and laughs than ever before.

The Beethoven’s Big Break DVD contains a kennel full of exciting, exclusive bonus features, including:

· GAG REEL: Over 10 minutes of fun moments from the set.
· MOISES STEALS THE SHOW: Filled with direct-to-camera hijinks, this piece features Moises Arias acting, joking, and playing.
· HOW DID THEY DO THAT?!: Animal trainers Mark Eschevarria and Dave Sousa tell us how they trained three dogs for the role of Beethoven while Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan explains the keys to working with animals.

Read Our Mommies Thoughts:
Katja's family loved this DVD.

We have FIVE (5) Copies to giveaway!

To enter, leave us a comment and tell us one of your favorite scenes from any of the Beethoven movies!



Stephen Saunders said...

I can't remember any specific scenes, it's been awhile since I watched that movie. I just remember a big arse dog in it lol. ;)

Kristi said...

My kids love the Beethoven movies:) One of my favorite scenes is when he's all muddy and he gets on the bed and shakes and mud and muck fly all over the room:) Oh, oh, I also like the one where his leash wraps around the patio table and pulls the "bad" guys across the yard. (David Duchovny and Patricia Heaton, I think)



have not watched in awhile- but love the scenes that make them make such a huge mess but look so innocent and loveable...seriously cute. How about the plittle puppies in it running around- ok if you don't think thats cute you gotta have something wrong with you if it doesn't make you go ohh and awee thanks and Happy New Year! mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom

cpullum said...

I can't believe my two kids and I haven't seen this movie we love dog movies! We just got back from seeing Marley and Me! Awsome. We would love to see this movie since we haven't seen it! Count us in!

marric said...

My fav is when they make the mess with the mud flying everywhere.

silverbele said...

I like this prize for my grandchildren.

Anonymous said...

Please add my name to the contest.

Anonymous said...

Please add my name to the contest.

idahomom said...

I love the mess making scenes.

Ally said...

I like the scene when Beethoven escapes from his kennel. That's something my dog does all the time.

agsweeps (at) hotmail (dot) com

denyse said...

I haven't seen the movie, but would love to. I can tell you my favorite scene if I win:)

Sky said...

It's been so long since I've watched the Beethoven movies...but I remember when the dog was a muddy mess and therefore made the room a muddy mess. My brothers would laugh and laugh and laugh!

Anonymous said...

I love the part where Bethoven is punished and tied up in the doghouse.

valerie2350 said...

haven't seen it for years, but I'm sure my nephew would love it!

Anonymous said...

The scene where kids are trying to find a name for the dog is cute especially if you like classical music.

chromiumman said...

when beethoven is in the bed and shakes all the mud off him

Anonymous said...

I loved it when the puppies were running through the house!!!!

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen any of the movies, so I can't give you a favorite scene. I hope to win so I can tell you! Thanks for the giveaway!


binabug said...

wow, the only movie i've ever seen was the first one and I can't recall it at all, plus we dont even own it (it was prob a vhs too !!)

Theresa C said...

I recall something to do with alcohol, like a drunk dog.

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I've never seen a Beethoven movie, so I can't comment about my favorite scene. Sorry! Thank you for this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I have not seen the first movie in a long time but I feel like I remember a great scene when they are trying to give him a bath- thanks!
linjenals at yahoo dot com

Princess Golden Hair said...

when the kids try to come up with a name for the dog was something i could relate to because we had gotten lily her first dog. this is why i remember it most.

Karen said...

Haven't had the chance to see the movie yet.

ktgonyea at

mverno said...

showing all the puppies

Libby Design said...

Oh I love these movies!! We had a st. bernard growing up, so the scene that made me laugh was when he's got the slobber hanging from his mouth and he shakes his head - slobber EVERYWHERE!! Had lots of those types of things happen with our dog, but she sure was a sweetheart!

libby_design at yahoo dot com

marleenandlouie said...

I love dog movies!

Carol EL said...

I love the Beethoven movies,hope I win.

janet said...

I think we all agree the mud disaster is the cutest part. I love animals so I can say the best part was the entire movie. Thank you for hosting a adorable giveaway.

N Nakamura said...

It's been a loooong time since I've seen the movie. We rented it, so owning it will be great!;)

agordon10 said...

when he has puppies!

toughturtles said...

when he is leashed at the table and takes off

silverhartgirl said...

I like when Beethoven is tied to the deck and then pulls and it all falls down

Gina lee said...

I like that scene when the dogs get together to save the puppies.

susan1215 said...

I like the scene when the dogs get muddy

noreen said...

I saw a beethoven movie years ago and don't remember any scene but I would love to watch this one with my girls

Cindy B.of Montana said...

I've never seen a Beethoven movie! How sad is that??? Hoping I win this one :)

Re said...

i love how massive he is..and how he drags people and things all over teh place :)

great giveaway! i hope i'm one of the lucky winners!

mogrill said...

My daughter has been asking to see this movie!!

Anonymous said...

i am in

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've actually seen any of the Beethoven movies. If I win this one, then it's more incentive for me to catch up on the series. ;)

Thanks for the sweeps.


Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

I love the story of him falling in love and doing anything for his new doggie friend.

shelley said...

when he slobbers all over the place and when he shakes the mud off so funny thanks .

Anonymous said...

The scene in the first Beethoven movie where the children are trying to find a name for the dog is cute and if you like classical music you will appreciate the humor behind how the name is finally derived.

Erica C. said...

the shaking of dirt, mud, and slobber on the bed is of course the best

A Family Completed... said...

Wow it's been so long since Ive seen a Beethoven Movie. My daughter really wants to see it. I do remember the mud covered dog always shaking his head and drool going everywhere. Ewww, lol

cdrury said...
can you believe I have never seen a movie - hope that wont disqualify me!!!!

Anonymous said...

We love Beethoven. Would love to win. Please enter me, thank you

Shannon said...

I thought Beethoven's 2nd was a funny one - I loved it when the 2 dogs were together (eating ice cream cones at the park, watching the chickens on the rotisserie go round and round).

Dee said...

when the dad was dreaming and there were HUNDREDS of puppies messing up his house! Thanks for the chance!

tritty74 said...

One of my favorite scenes is when he's all muddy and he gets on the bed and shakes and mud and muck fly all over the room

Angela C said...

My favorite scene was when the bad guy's were trapped in the junkyard by the guard dogs while all the other dogs was on the other side of the fence.

justicecw said...

I have not seen any but I have seen previews and the dog making a mess is always funny! My son would love to see this, thanks for the chance,

Brooke said...

We love the part when he is all muddy and get up on the bed and shakes! Oh and also when he helps save the little girl from the pool!
My little kids just love this movie! Please count us in!

Thank you so very much for the great chance!

robt6 said...

My favorite is when they are trying to give him a bath, enter me please.

Denise S. said...

I like when the cute puppies are running through the house and the father's facial expressions are always hilarious.

Ken said...

This edition contains our favorite Beethoven scene. My sister would love this. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

carolpie said...

When he gets the bed muddy. What a mess!

Robert said...

My favorite scene was when Beethoven was all muddy and made the room a muddy mess.

Unknown said...


bison61 said...

I have not seen a Beethoven movie, but I'd love to win this for my grandkids

tiramisu392 (at)

bkh61959 said...

Have not seen, love to watch with the kids though sounds like a real fun movie, thanks

janetfaye said...

I have not seen a Beethoven movie in years but I remember I liked it and it was a fun movie.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

bettycd said...

I'd love to see a Beethoven movie.

Anonymous said...

any of the doggie slobber scenes are disgustingly hilarious:) thanks for the chance:)

SECAVEN said...

it's been a long time since i have seen any of the beethoven movies - my kids are all grown. although, i can tell you that i love the st. bernard. he's so big, cute, cuddly and is full of slobber. i would love to win for my grandkids. they will the the dog as much as i do.

idahodad7 said...

I love the mud scenes.

Heather said...

I like the mud flinging. When that dog starts shaking get outta the way.

Tammy said...

I love it when he shakes slobber all over.

paryjeja said...

The scenes I liked were always when Beethoven was just being himself - a very large dog. I love Saint Bernards and have personally owned 3 of them.

aajacques said...

It's been a while since I've watched the movie but there was one part I remember him running through the house with mudd or dirt on his paws. I would cringe if my dog did that.

Anonymous said...

when hes on the bed and shakes off the mud! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Tamara B. said...

I loved it when all of the babies were born, they are so adorable but messy. Thank-you for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

It would have to be the mud disaster. So funny!

ardy22 at

Samantha P said...

is there one where he eats the turkey? if there is, that's my favorite!

Tammy said...

wow, I've only seen the original, and it was a long time ago, but like many of the other commenters, I'd have to say I remember the mud scene, and it was funny...on tv....I wouldn't think it so funny if it were real, and in my home lol!

Anonymous said...

While I haven't seen a movie yet, I'd sure love to! And, I bet our children would enjoy Beethoven as well . . . based on the posts.

Anonymous said...

Mud and dogs don't mix...that's my favorite scene!

Anonymous said...

One of our favorite scenes is when he's all muddy and he gets on the bed and shakes and fly all over the room. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

It has been years since I have seen the movies. I have never seen this one though. I have to say the mud scene on the bed is the best.

littlelatina said...

my son is a fan of Moises Arias he really wants to see this movie

redron said...

I haven't seen the movie in years. But I do love how the big dog tries to fit in with the family.

Unknown said...

I haven't seen any of the Beethoven movie but my granddaughter has and she loves them! This would be a great birthday gift for her.
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Anonymous said...

When he slobbers all over everybody.

Sheila Hickmon said...

I love the scene where the hops in bed with him, and he starts licking him, and he thinks its his wife! Hilarious!!

Anonymous said...

It has been years since I have seen the movies. I have never seen this one though. I liked it when his leash got caught on the patio furniture and drug those people across the yard.

Please enter me also.


fancyfeet48 said...

love the fact he was surprised when he found out in the first movie the kids had the dog.

Julie Vineyard said...

My son has been wanting to see this one. He loved all of these movies!

Anonymous said...

Anything with Bonnie Hunt!

tlcfromtn said...

I like when the leash was wrapped around a chair outside and he pulled the people across the yard. I think it was the first movie. Thanks!

braaisjo at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Loved Charles Grodin in the first movie...pretty much all of it!

rdazer said...

i think my favorite is when he shook all the mud off inside

chazvgo said...

I like the one where they mix the dog up at dog school :)

Jean F said...

I've never seen these movies, drat it!

Jean F said...

I've never seen these movies, drat it!

Bonnie said...

The mud, the slobber the shaking me shaking with laughter all of it.When I gave the first one to my grandson he said "Yes Gramma knew to get me Plato." My daughter had looked and look for a Plato movie.LOL

Anonymous said...

My favorite scene is when he is leased to the picnic table and drags the people across the yard.

Jinxy and Me said...

Can you believe I haven't seen a Beethoven movie yet?!? Hopefully I'll get to see this one! :)

Anonymous said...

Beethoven shakes the mud off of him in bed.

Kathy said...

I haven't seen any of these movies so I really don't have a favorite scene. I would like to win it though so please don't count me out. Thanks for the contest.

tsslug said...

I like it when the puppies are scampering all over the house

Kathy said...

The puppies and the expression on Charles Grodin's face (in the first movie).

roseh said...

How could you not laugh at those facial expressions everytime he chewed things he shouldn't have

Candie L said...

I have never seen any of the Beethoven movies. I think my boys would love the crazy antics though


Anonymous said...

Mud and Dogs, much like my boys and mud!!! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Mud and Dogs, much like my boys and mud!!! Thanks!

joahsgrandma said...

I seem to remember a sloppy scene with doggie drool.


I would most love to see the GAG REEL!

My favorite scenes is when he's all muddy and he gets on the bed ,shakes & mud is scattered all ove the pace.
I love the when the new puppies are born toooooooo!

klp1965 said...

i have never seen these movies :(

Abby said...

I love when he goes to put on his shoe and it is full of drool!

ajcmeyer AT go DOT com

Heather said...

We love Beethoven's 2nd when they have the puppies! SO cute.

Anonymous said...

The scenes with the mud flying always stick out in my mind!

nostrilb said...

When the dad sees the dog for the first time, a huge dog running towards him!

Tina said...

When the puppies run all over the house. My daughter loves it!

Anonymous said...

My little sister used to burst out laughing every time they watched when the dog is muddy and jumps on the bed and shakes it everywhere.

Michw37 said...

I like the drunk dog one

lisaray said...

I also have to say the mud on the bed.

Mrs. Hemphill's Online Classroom said...

In the first Beethoven, I just love Bonnie Hunt, as the mom. She seems so normal and down to earth with a home of kids, a crazy Charles Groden (for a hubby) and one nutso dog.

memetu said...

We have a big clumsy clown of a dog.

mrstrooper said...

Love the muddy dog scene!

ydsddd said...

Loved Beethoven's 3rd, whenBeetoven was sent across the country in a RV to attend a family reunion.

Anonymous said...

I love Charles Grodin's facial expressions in the first movie. This was my daughter's favorite movie when she was little, and she would ask for the "Bay-toe-toe" movie. deanna at count dot com

Anonymous said...

My daughter is just discovering the Beethoven movies today on Disney Channel and has asked us to tape the big break movie for her since she will be in bed when it is on. We had fun watching them with her today.

bev said...

We've only watched the first movie and I liked the scene when he jumped on the bed all muddy, that was funny. Thanks for having the contest!

lilyk said...

My favorite scene was when the dad had a dream that there were a bunch of puppies messing up his house.

masonsgranny59 said...

I haven't seen but it looks and sounds great :)

Sir Thrift-A-Lot said...

When he's covered in mud! That would be horrible to clean up..

Helen S said...

I have not got to watch the movies in a while but my kids love them especially the first one. Thanks

Leah said...

Beethoven is such a lovable character! I will always remember him shaking mud everywhere!!! Cute!!

Thanks so much for this fabulous give~away! : )))


Anonymous said...

I had a St. Bernard for many years and she was the love of my life! I can certainly relate to the mud scene that seems to be the favorite of so many people. It really can - and does happen! When I watch any of the Beethoven movies they spark memories of my Brandy. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I can't remember any specific scenes.

ms-texas said...

I haven't seen a Beethoven movie in quite a while - just basically remember Beethoven being really big!

Donna said...

I liked the puppies.

Natalie said...

i remember laughing so hard when he slung his slobber all. over. everything! thanks for the chance to win this!!!