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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Stride Rite


The Mommies United are happy to say that Stride Rite is the shoe of choice for our kiddos! Each of our 11 kiddos, with their various styles and preferences, have found just the perfect shoe. With sandals, dress shoes, tennis shoes and more, YOU are sure to find the perfect fit for YOUR kiddos! The quality can't be beat, either.

With their motto Life's waiting. Let's go. Stride Rite is the company that has been helping kids run, jump, leap, grow and playfully express themselves since 1919. That's why we Mommies trust this brand!

Each of the Mommies have something to say... Stay tuned for their individual reviews, coming soon!

While you are waiting, please check out the selection of wonderful children's shoes that Stride Rite has to offer. And don't forget to enter to win a trip to Barbados for your family! (Hurry! Contest ends tomorrow!!)

Kristin is a long time fan of Stride Rite, check out what she has to say about these new brightly colored Step 3 shoes!

Amanda has loved Stride Rite since her 5 year old was a baby. She also mentions about how you can enter and win great prizes with creating your own Scrap Book Page!

Shanda's kids wouldn't take off their shoes. That is rare. Usually, they always want bare feet. Nevaeh said she felt like a princess in her shoes.

Find out which shoes make Christine's twins jump higher and which ones Josh thinks are "super comfy."


1 comment:

KC said...

ooh..we love stride rites here in my home..

I"m stopping by to say thank you.. I know I"m really late.. but thank you for the wonderful prizes you gave away at your launch party back in March. I just got mine in the mail yesterday.. and I just posted about it with a thank you in there to you