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Friday, May 16, 2008

KN Karen Neuburger Winners

The winners of the Karen Neuberger Giveaway 10 sets of KN Cool® Daywear

  1. windycindy (winner has been emailed)
  2. mjenningsdesigns (sent)
  3. Brandy (sent)
  4. Mindy (sent)
  5. Naomi (sent)
  6. Amanda Dickerson (sent)
  7. Cindy Beckman (sent)
  8. Lilith Silvermane (sent)
  9. Molly C. (sent)
  10. sweetsue (sent)

Please do email us if you see your name on the list. Thanks everyone and stay cool as the day get hotter!

1 comment:

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

YAY.. thank you for this! I got it in the mail and wore it all day yesterday. It's so wonderful, perfect size and comfortable!

Thank you again!