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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Super Healthy Kids

Did you know that families who sit down to one meal a day together have lower body weight and well adjusted children? It's important to teach your children healthy eating habits, first by example.

By 10 years old kids will have formed dietary habits that they will most likely stick with throughout their lives. Help your kids to eat healthy by using the Healthy Habits Kids Plate, from Super Healthy Kids, as a guide. That way, when they leave home, they will make better decisions regarding their own health.

Be sure to visit each one of the Mommies and see what we have to say about the Healthy Habits Kids Plate!

Amanda's thoughts can be found here

Kristin's thoughts can be found here

Christine's thoughts can be found here

Shanda's thoughts can be found here

1 comment:

Joanna said...

I think it's really important, not only for healthy eating habits, but for the family time, to sit down together for dinner at night. This way we can all communicate without the daily distractions of the tv, phone, etc and we can talk to each other about what we did at work, school or home that day.