Well, we think we have the best readers in the entire blogosphere! So for today...leave us a comments telling us about you or your blog. What would you like us to know about you?
We would love to hear more about you and what makes you tick. This site is a "UNITED FORUM," and we do not want this to be one sided! So leave us a comment and tell us what we should know about our new friends!
We will select one random comment to win a Teething Kit from The Soft Landing!
Well, this is my first post on your blog, but I've been reading from the beginning. I keep meaning to participate, but just keep running out of time.
I'm a Canadian mom to 3 wonderful kids 5 and under...one who is currently tube fed. We're still trying to get to the bottom of her issues.
I started my blog about my journey to lose 100 pounds, but it's quickly turning to a place to just talk about my life.
Hey there! This has really been so much fun! I am a mid-twenties Mommy of 1 little man (who is now almost 18 months old) and have been very happily married since 2004. When I became pregnant, I was so blessed to be able to quit my job and stay at home full time....And have loved every minute of it! I have been a South GA girl all my life and like to both hunt and fish! We are members of a very small Baptist church,and love GOD with all our hearts! My favorite thing about my life is being a Mommy...I never could have imagined the kind of love you have for a child! We like to do crafts together and he loves to be my little helper in the kitchen! :) I guess that pretty much wraps me up...Thanks for hosting such a great party! I had been a reader of Kristin's site for a while, but since this launch I have found so many more great Mommies and products out there!
I am a mommy to three kiddos- 2 boys aged 5 & 4 and one girl age 1. I am a pastor's wife in a super small Canadian town in northeast Saskatchewan. I blog to keep my sanity! I have had post partum depression with each of my kids and find blogging to be incredibly therapeutic.
Okay, a litte about me. I am the mother of two beautiful children (in my unbiased opinion)! Kirstyn is 4 1/2 and James is 10 months old. My husband and I own an insurance agency so I am a SAHM that works when needed. I am also on a mission with Weight Watchers to loose 100 lbs. Oh and I really hope I win this Teething Kit because James is starting to get teeth and would put it to good use!
I have two blogs, I'm still debating on closing my first one, and opening a new one. But, Let me start off with what I have.
Lilithology was started by me because I love doing my "of the Day" newsletter for my friends. That is full of useless, cool, interesting, informative information for people to just view. I love doing it but, with my work demands being so strong, I've cut back alot.
Crunchy Green Mom was started because I live in Colorado, and would love to live in Boulder where the "crunchy granola" moms live (health conscious, baby carrying, sign teaching "natural" moms)
Green because I am trying to be more conscious of the environment. Mom: Because I am a mom of 6, and I'd love to be a mom of eight or ten. More blessings are NEVER wrong. (However I know a pastor at work that keeps telling me to stop, that the world doesn't need anymore babies because it's getting dangerous. I'm getting frusterated with his negativity.. )
Anyhow. My kids range in the age of 16 years to 10 weeks old. They are all lovely and perfect, come over to my blog and see them... they are lovely!
Great site, and glad ya'll started this!
Hi! This is a cool idea. :) So let's see...here's a few things about me - I'm a SAHM, and I LOVE IT!! I love babywearing, and I love cloth diapers. :) I'm also expecting our second baby in June, and we are very excited. We already have a son, and they say this one is supposed to be a girl...so we will see if they are right or not! :) Either way, I can't wait to meet this little one! Hmmm...I also love doing and reading reviews...and of course giveaways! Who doesn't like those?! :) And finally...one last thing - I can hardly wait for SPRING!! :)
My husband and I started our blog about halfway through my pregnancy last year, mostly because it was something fun to do. We like to post updates about ourselves, our son, as well as our opinions about parts of life. It is a great way to stay in touch with friends who have left the area and family members who want to see pictures of our son! Once I am finished with graduate school this year I plan to break out into product reviews and stuff so I might consider starting a new blog for that. This site looks like fun - thanks and enjoy!
Hey ladies! This launch party has been a blast so far, and I'm sure that the last few days will be just the same!
I am a single SAHM to 2 beautiful children! Taylor is turning 7 (tomorrow) and Noah will be 1 (on Thursday)! Life around our house can be kind of chaotic at times, and then peaceful at other times (yes, usually when the kids are in bed...lol!) I have an amazing family, and my kids and I currently live in my parent's basement...it may not be the ideal situation at times, but for the most part it is wonderful..I'm truly blessed to have such an amazing support system!
I started blogging (http://www.noahandtaytay.blogspot.com) when I was pregnant with my son, and since then have started a second blog (http://www.erinfromthecountry.blogspot.com) as well. I've made a lot of friends and come across some really fantastic people/products/ you name it since I've begun...it's such a blast!!!
I could go on and on, but I think this is where I will stop for now! Thanks again for all the great chances at some awesome prizes..this has been a ton on fun!
hi as you may all know my name is jenny and well i do have a blog i just started to work on it as to the web page address i dont know what it is as of yet but well if you can find it you can read it i do have some things on it that are about my children as to the ones that are in wi as for me well me and my youngest child we are in the state of in . i'm trying to start over and well have a new life with what i have and thats just me and my little one now yes i'm a singel mom that well injoys all kinds of things i also like doing a lot of things as well the most fun have is well spending all my time with my little one . other then that there not much to tell about me other then i'm a verry sweet loveing and verry careing and i'm always willing to help out and well be a real friend to some one. i hope that tells you some what about me
I'm Shannon and I'm 24 years old and I am from good ol Tennessee and I have a beautiful and handsome baby boy, Tristan who was born 12 weeks too soon at 28 weeks and the reason for my blog title "God Gave Me You" is because God did give me Tristan and gave him life and I thank him everyday for the pride and joy he brought into my life.
I hope I'm not commenting too late! My name is Ashley. I'm 24 years old and have been married for 2 years. Our son was born last July and I (with my husband) have fallen in love! I am very thankful to be a SAHM. My husband's desire is that I am home with Gabriel and that is my desire as well. We desire to raise him up in the fear and admonition of the Lord.
I taught school for two years, the first while planning a wedding and the second while pregnant! I don't wish those days back! I'm right where I was meant to be!
I started blogging at the end of last year and was so excited to find "mom" blogs out there. When I started blogging I was in the midst of a REALLY hard time with Gabriel. He did not sleep well. When he did sleep it was only for about an hour at a time and that was at night! Anyway, I read lots of blogs that encouraged me greatly. I could be up with him at night and think, "I'm NOT the only one up right now with a precious baby!" I was pretty naive.
So now that I'm apart of blogland, I'm addicted. I must confess.
A few other things I enjoy are learning more about birth and hearing birth stories, shopping, drinking coffee, getting pedicures, watching movies with my husband, playing with my boy, cooking, NOT cleaning, and (I can't leave this one out) getting my back rubbed!
I've enjoyed this site as well as your individual ones. Thanks so much for letting us come along and be apart!
Hey Girls!! Love your site!! My name is Stacey and I am a 31 year old mother of two!!
My husband and I are both Elementary School teachers in a somewhat small town about 20 minutes outside of Louisville, Kentucky!!! We have an 8 year old son and a 4 year old little princess (today is her birthday!! We enjoy attending local sporting events and watching our children play sports.
Hey ladies! Your site is awesome and I have enjoyed meeting so many other mom's through your site! A little about me...I am a 23 year old momma to one little boy, 3 years old. My husband and I have been married 5 years. We have worked in full time ministry together since we married. Now we are both working in a church, him as youth pastor/worship leader, me as church secretary/mothers day out director. Our lives are beautifully full! Keep up the good work on your blog!
Wow, your readers are very diverse. I had fun looking at their comments. I'm a mother of ten children, yes, really 10. What makes me tick? I'd have to say God keeps me going each and every day. I teach my children at home and love being with them that I know if they went to a traditional school, I would miss too much of their lives it would be hard. I've lived in South Florida my whole life and love it here. One of my goals is for all my children to be fluent in Spanish. Thanks for asking about your readers. Kathy
I started my blog as a way for my family to see pics of the kids on a regular basis but it's kind of snowballed into more than that. I love getting to know other parents who I would otherwise never meet. Since I don't know many people in my hometown, it's been a sanity saver, for sure!
By the way, Jasper could use a teething set right about now. I am crazy about those mushroom ones at Soft Landing, too!
LOVE this new blog!!! It's so different than any I've seen. I have a 9 month old little boy and I work part time as a RN in the NICU. I (like many moms) started my blog to keep my out-of-state friends and family up-to-date on our little boy. Somewhere along the line I wanted to share tips, advice, and fab products!
Well, I'm a new mommy (sort-of). My son will be 4 months old in 3 more days! My blog is a combination of everything that happens in my life. I tell all about my family, church, work, and just life in general.
I am a 34 year old mom of a 10 month old baby girl. In my spare time, I enjoy blogging, scrapbooking, dancing and yoga...among many other things.
I've been a blogger for about four years now. I do enjoy meeting new women, however, the original purpose for the blog was to document our wedding preparations. Now we have a baby girl and live out of state from our parents, so that is why I keep up my blog. Of course, I also enjoy learning SO much about baby products, which is why I love this new blog!
I am a new blogger, a SAHM, with 2 fabulous little boys! I am baby products addict! My house looks like Babies R Us! LOL! Can't wait to learn more about everyone!
dansan826 at yahoo.com
I have enjoyed your blog party and your new site.
I am 32 about to be 33 in 2 weeks. I am a sahm of 7 children 5 boys and 2 girls. My blog is all about out life. I enjoy crafts and scrapbooking, crochet, learning to knit and sewing. I love taking photos. My main blog is about my family www.ourfullhouse.blogspot.com recently I started a new blog www.fortheprincess.blogspot.com This is where I show things I have been making for my girls. I just recently starting making bows for my girls so this is were I showcase them and when I get some dresses sewn for them I will show them here also.
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